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How to Use the Parachute in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Why do my parachutes keep going away?!

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Does anyone else have this problem where the parachutes are almost non existant? I made sure to stock up on them when they first became available, then after not even using one and I was at the top of a high building and getting ready to use it, I curiously had none. Then, I go buy some, get sidetracked, then go to Castel Sant-Angelo and lo and behold, after using 1 parachute I'm out again! I did buy 15 of them too!

 So after noticing this, I went and bought some more, and now I look at my game screen and I don't have any again. -_-

 I don't see how this is any different than medicine, knives, darts, bolts, etc. None of those items go away randomly after buying them, so why should these goddam parachutes? Ubisoft must not want me to use them, lol

 Does this happen to anyone else???

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Yes, I remember when playing this my parachutes would dissappear all the time.

 I love Assassin's creed, but jesus, these games are often buggy as shit.

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I've had the parachutes for awhile and I still haven't gotten mine to deploy. Not really sure why.

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I think they are designed to do that.

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@ZombiePie said:
" I think they are designed to do that. "
How does that work? Am I missing something said in a cutscene?

 For what possible reason would the parachutes randomly disappear?

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I had this too. In what I can only assume is the final "race" mission, when you start at the top of the coliseum, and I assume you are meant to jump off and float to the first checkpoint...could not get them to come up.

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Because Brotherhood is a buggy mess of a train wreck. There I said it.

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@mutha3:  If you die in the game your parachute supply automatically resets to zero and you have to re-stock. Other than that I don't know.

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The way it worked in my game is that parachutes went away whenever I did a Lair of Romulus. I imagine they do it so you can't perform any game breaking jumps and parachute to a place you're not supposed to reach. The only problem is that they never bother returning the parachutes they took away in the lair so I always had to go buy more.

 There's was also an incident where I lost my other hidden blade, leaving me with one. Luckily, the dungeon was entirely navigational and didn't have any fighting. Still, funky and unfortunate.

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I still can't figure out how to deploy them. I have a bunch in my inventory but every time I jump off some high building I just end up dying :(

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You press X (or square) when you jump off a roof or building. Ezio should pop it open and you slowly float to the ground. It doesn't work if you do a leap of faith, or at least it doesn't work for me.

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I haven't died in a long time so I know it's not because of that. It seems almost like whenever I use a tunnel or restart a memory, or leave a memory.

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@Sarumarine said:

"The way it worked in my game is that parachutes went away whenever I did a Lair of Romulus. I imagine they do it so you can't perform any game breaking jumps and parachute to a place you're not supposed to reach. The only problem is that they never bother returning the parachutes they took away in the lair so I always had to go buy more.. "

That's what I found as well. A Templar aqueduct lair took away all my parachutes too. They drain your parachute count to zero for the level but forget to give them back once it's done. Something the testers should have picked up on.

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Sometimes the thingy in the HUD for them just disappeared, but when checking in my inventory in the pause screen, they were still there, and I could use them. But then when I did some of the Romulan Lairs, it'd say zero, and I'd have none upon leaving.

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I have the same problem. What the fuck.

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i never did a whole lot of messing around with the parachutes but from memory i didnt have this problem. odd.

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they just disappeared from the HUD for me, but were still in my inventory and usable.  they'd usually reappear in my HUD after deploying one.

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I sometime have the opposite; i'll use a parachute and after i'll still have the same ammount!? I was thinking it could have something to do with the highed you jump from/to. Crazy that they would just  disappear though! If i just climbed all the way up that Castello Sant Angelo to find out my parachutes were gone i would probably turn the game off.

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I've had the same problem. I had 14 parachutes (was at 15 till I accidentally used one earlier) and when I jumped off the Castel Sant'Angelo the option to deploy it never came up, so I died. Hard.

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They reset after lairs of   Romulus.

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I have still never used one. I bought 15 when I was first able to, and I kept trying several times to use one but always died. I was eventually going to look up how the hell I am supposed to use them, but then I saw my inventory was at zero for some reason.

 I need to go back and use one!

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Never came across that, actually. Although I only used a parachute once in the game and it was for the achievement..

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Wasn't that just how they were?

How to Use the Parachute in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
