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Calling for a Job What to Say

What to Say During a Call Back for a Possible Job

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If you've been on an extensive job search, the recruiter's call back is a welcome ring. Waiting days for the results of your interview can be a frustrating period during a job search. However, when you finally get that call back from the recruiter, don't blow your chances of being hired by being curt. Be pleasant and accommodating in your conversation, but be candid with the recruiter or hiring manager who places the call to you.


If there's been a long period between your interview and the recruiter's call back, you may be asked if you are still interested or if you're still available. Express your interest only if it's true. If you've already found a position that you like, state in the most courteous manner that you've accepted an offer from another company. Refrain from commenting that you accepted another offer because the recruiter took too long to call you back.


Ask if there have been any changes to the job description since you interviewed for the job. For example, ask, "Have there been change in responsibilities or reporting relationship since my interview?" This will indicate that you're aware of the job duties and that you are further interested in whether the job is the same. Even if it's been just a short while since your interview, verify that it's the same position. Recruiters might have several job openings that they're processing at any given time, and you should confirm that the conversation you're having is about the job you interviewed for.


When the recruiter calls back, the purpose of the call might be to obtain additional information or to talk about salary. If the call is about salary, it's fairly safe to assume that you are the candidate the employer wants to hire or that you're among the finalists for the position. While it's best to talk about salary in a face-to-face meeting so that you can benefit from nonverbal cues and body language, ensure you have done your research if you're going to talk about salary in a phone conversation. State a range that you're looking for and express that you don't want your salary demands to price you out of being considered. For example, if the recruiter asks the amount of salary you're expecting, say, "Based on my research and studies of the market rate for this job, my salary range is from $80,000 to $92,000. That being said, salary needn't be a factor in determining if you want to make an offer because I'm confident we can arrive at a salary that we both can agree on."


Generally speaking, recruiters discuss the company's benefits during the early stage of the recruitment and selection process. There are two reasons for this: The type of benefits could determine whether an applicant is interested in joining the company, and describing the benefits is a sales tool for recruiters because it stimulates interest in the job and the company. However, if a recruiter is contacting you to discuss benefits, this may be an opportunity to review the current benefits package and possibly negotiate for a benefits package that more closely suits your needs.


The recruiter might be calling to confirm your availability. If that's the case, then you are being seriously considered for the position. If you want to improve your chances of being the No. 1 candidate, you can stress that you are available in short order -- that is, if you really are available immediately. If you have a current job that requires two weeks' notice, indicate you're available following two weeks after you give notice to your current employer. For example, say, "My current employer requires two weeks' notice, and I'd like to provide at least that much notice so they can find a suitable replacement." Saying this also illustrates the commitment you have to your current role, which is indicative of the level of commitment you'll have while you're working for the new employer.



Writer Bio

Ruth Mayhew has been writing since the mid-1980s, and she has been an HR subject matter expert since 1995. Her work appears in "The Multi-Generational Workforce in the Health Care Industry," and she has been cited in numerous publications, including journals and textbooks that focus on human resources management practices. She holds a Master of Arts in sociology from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Ruth resides in the nation's capital, Washington, D.C.

Calling for a Job What to Say
