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How to Reduce File Usage in Cpanel Godaddy

How to Increase File Upload Limits in cPanel without touching a php.ini file

Works with Godaddy, Bluehost, and other shared hosting

Godaddy and many other shared hostings' default settings are set to not allow for files over 2mb to be uploaded.  This is very easily remedied by changing some basic settings within cPanel.

I would however, recommend you consider dumping Godaddy or Bluehost if you're on either. After years of struggling with their customer service and unhappy with the speed of the websites we launched on their hosting, we changed over to A2hosting as an inexpensive option and WPX for clients that really want speed and don't mind spending slightly more. If you're fed up with your current hosting, you should check these two companies out.

If you do decide to stick with your current hosting, know that you do not need to start messing with pnp.ini files or even know how to code in order to fix this issue.

Many of Google's top results on how to increase the file upload limit will have you running in circles and looking for the location of the php.ini file on Godaddy?" (which you won't find) when all you need to do is change a setting in the php settings.

This guide will walk you through everything…

How to Fix "File Exceeds the Maximum Upload Size for This Site."

Addresses the "exceeds the maximum upload size for this site" error on Godaddy, Namecheap, Bluehost, and a number of other common shared hosting providers.

You probably got this infuriating "uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini." with Godaddy hosting:

increase file upload size wordpress cpanel godaddy

By default, many budget shared hosting sets a file limit of 2mb for file uploads.  They do this to prevent your average newbie from uploading massive 24mb photos to the server when they should be uploading photos under 1mb.  If this is the case with you, reduce the size of your photo.

Where is the php.ini file in Godaddy?

You don't need to create or touch a php.ini file to address this issue in Godaddy hosting.  For whatever reason, the top results all tell you to create a pnp.ini file and start coding, though there is a much easier way to address this.

You do not need to create any files and you don't need to know how to code. You can simple log into your cpanel, change a few settings and you should be ready to go.

Step 1 – Log into Your Cpanel

increase file upload size godaddy

Log into your hosting and scroll down to the "software" section of your Godaddy cPanel.

Step 2 – Click on "select PHP version."

increase file upload size in WordPress

While you're in here, it's probably best to make sure that your hosting is set to version 7.1, but make sure that you check that your theme and plugins are compatible with it (I assume no liability for you messing up your site, by the way, so make sure that you have a valid backup of everything before you change anything).

On this screen, you're going to

Step 3 – Click on "Switch TO PHP Options"

set file upload sizes in cpanel on godaddy for wordpress

Step 4 – "Increase your upload_max_filesize"

The three number in orange are the numbers that you need to change.  Click on each one and a drop down will appear; select the new value and click "apply" (if you forget to click apply, it won't take).  Once you've changed all three values, click on the save button below "upload_max_filesize."

You Have Increased Your Max File Size Upload

This is a really easy, fast fix, but for whatever reasons, the top results on Google all tell you to create a pnp.ini file, which often doesn't work to fix the issue with Godaddy's file upload limits on shared hosting plans.  I'd like to help people avoid the headaches involved with this and finally start outranking those other convoluted, yet ineffective solutions, so please comment and link to this post so that we can get the word out that there is an easy fix to Godaddy's 2mb limit on file uploads on shared hosting.

How to fix "the uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" in 5 Easy Steps

  1. Log into cPanel
  2. Click on "select php version"
  3. Click on "switch to php options"
  4. Select "upload_max_filesize," increase it to 64mb, and click apply
  5. Save

How to Reduce File Usage in Cpanel Godaddy
